A. T. Whiting & Company

Established at 48 Liberty Street in 1886, A. T. Whiting & Company was successor of the Goodenow Furnace Company.

From page 66-67 of "The Mercantile and Manufacturing Progress of the City of Utica, N.Y. and Environs", published in 1888. [Ref.]

A. T. Whiting & Company
Manufacturers of Superior Hot Air Furnaces. Offices and Salesrooms at 48 Liberty Street.

It is beyond question, that in no country have appliances for giving artificial heat been brought to such a high state of perfection as in our own, and in Utica. we have à number of establishments manufacturing hot air furnaces of the highest grade, spreading abroad the reputation of the city as a prominent market, and materially aiding the interests and development of the community. The firm of Messrs. A. T. Whiting & Co. was organized in 1886, it being the successor of the Goodenow Furnace Co., instituted previously.

The plant of the house is located as above, and comprises a brick building of three floors, 30 x 90 feet in dimensions. Here, by the assistance of suitable tools and appliances, aided by a force of skilled mechanics, the furnaces are mounted and finished and shipped to within the circuit of the house's operations, which may be said to include the jobbing trade throughout the United States generally.

Messrs. A. T. Whiting & Co. manufacture the Superior Hot Air Furnaces, which are produced in twelve separate styles and in six sizes, mounted in steel plate, wrought and cast iron for brick setting, or portable form, to burn either hard or soft coal. These appliances have established a reputation of the very highest character, and may claim to have reached the very pinnacle of success as regards economy, simplicity and general desirability.

They are mounted with No. 14 gauge cold rolled steel, and are fitted with a new sectional anti clinker side flanged fire pot, and a new superior revolving drop grate with double shaker bars, having large, deep ash pits, strong, heavy bottom, and large dust escape from ash pit direct to smoke pipe. These furnaces are so constructed that the smoke and gases are drawn to the front of the radiator and are circulated entirely around the same. They have a direct or reverse draft, connecting the radiator with the smoke pipe; the reverse draft being valuable as a saver of fuel, and at the same time the furnace is throwing off a powerful heat for the amount of fuel consumed. These furnaces are perfectly dust and gas tight, and are easily regulated and controlled by an ingenious chain attachment from up stairs, saving many steps that otherwise could not be avoided. The great success of these furnaces during the past very severe winter, demonstrates their great utility and powerful heating capacity.

Furnace Base, W. T. Whiting & Company Utica, NY

In the construction of these furnaces the greatest care is taken as to detail and the selection of the raw material. The best brands of American and Scotch pig iron are used as the basis, and only skilled and experienced workmen are employed, under the practical! and experienced direction of the members of the firm. These gentlemen are respectively Messrs. A. T. Whiting, Wm. H. Switzer and Thos. Bowen, and all are eminently qualified by virtue of a thorough knowledge of the business to its successful operation.

Furnace Base, W. T. Whiting & Company Utica, NY

With the facilities which we have briefly enumerated, the success of this house is not remarkable, and as the products have no superior, either for style, workmanship or efficiency, dealers would conserve their own interests by making careful investigations regarding these productions before placing their orders elsewhere.

A. T. Whiting & Company was just one of many Utica-based Furnace & Boiler Companies. Utica's history of boiler and furnace manufacturing offers a great opportunity for a Better Wynn Hospital Neighborhood.

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