A Better Utica Downtown starts by adopting a smarter vision, making a better plan for the Columbia-Lafayette Neighborhood. As the following resources show, bulldozing a historical street grid - businesses and its properties - are not what other cities are doing. An important trend is that people are moving back into cities, but NOT to be near a large medical district.
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An Overview of Utica's History & Architecture
2021 Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) Strategic Investment Plan
Mohawk Valley Region CFA Project, Utica DRI Winners
Goldman-Marks: 418-430 Lafayette Street, Cerini (PDF, 5.36MB)
Stropp: 418-430 Lafayette Street, Cerini (PDF, 3.5MB)
2006, Book: Bringing Buildings Back: From Abandoned Properties To Community Assets, by Alan Mallach.
1949, Magazine Article: Fortune Magazine, 1949: Take Utica For Instance, By Robert Sheehan.
2021: Investment Plan, Utica DRI Investment Plan (PDF)
2020: Utica DRI, Utica DRI 2020 (PDF) a "Strategic Investment Plan, by Lisa Nagle (Elan) and Michael N’Dolo (MRB).
2019: Thesis, Eminent Domain and Land Disposition: Urban Renewal in Upstate New York
2019: Utica's big "nothing burger," Community Foundation Pamphlet (V2.0), New Downtown Vision (PDF) [Ref.]
2017: An important article looks at the issues surrounding Developers vs. a city's "Downtowners". Read the The Big Urban Mistake, by Arian Horbovetz
2017: Study, Revitalizing America’s Smaller Legacy Cities (PDF), "Strategies for Postindustrial Success from Gary to Lowell", by Torey Hollingsworth and Alison Goebel
2017: Study, Broome County (Binghamton) Housing Study (PDF)
2016: Thesis, (re)imagine all the (rust belt) people: living life in today’s post- industrial utica, new york
2016: Case Study, Angela Moreno-Long, Cornell University - Sustainable Neighborhood Development & Urban Revitalization in Utica, NY: A Leed-ND Case Study (PDF)
2015: Paper, Rust to Green (R2G) - Praxis as University-Community Placemaking, by Paula Horrigan, "R2G is a civic engagement project with the transformative agenda of catalyzing community-driven placemaking in Upstate New York cities endeavoring to transition from post-industrial “rust” to “green” resiliency."
2013: Study, Benchmark Cities, Utica Utica Arts & Culture- Taking Steps Toward Creative Place Making
2013: Study, Jamie Peck, Banal Urbanism - Cities and the Creativity Fix
2013: Whitepaper, Duke Law - Recycling America: Adaptive Reuse in the 21st Century (PDF)
2012: Article, Protecting Existing Neighborhoods from the Impacts of New Development
2012: Presentation, Downtown Utica Development Association (DUDA) - Main Streets (PDF)
2012: Research Paper, What is the Future of Utica? (PDF)
2011: Planning Report, City of Utica Waterfront Access Plan (PDF)
2009: Master of Arts Thesis, Cornell University - Urban Development & Revitalization Related To City & Regional Politics In Utica, NY (PDF)
2007: Program, "Upper Floors", Enhancing Main Street: Making Upper Floors Work Again, Pg. 1 (PDF) & "Upper Floors", Enhancing Main Street: Making Upper Floors Work Again, Pg. 2 (PDF)
2005: Research Report, Adaptive Reuse of Historic Industrial Buildings (PDF)
2005: Study, Downtown Utica Residential Market Potential, by Zimmerman-Volk (PDF)
2005: Guidebook, Property Reuse & Economic Revitalization - Redeveloping Commercial Vacant Properties in Legacy Cities (PDF)
2010: Article, The Fall Of Niagara Falls (An Urban Renewal Fail)
2008: Final Report, Columbia University, Urban Revitalization in the United States - Policies and Practices (PDF)
2003: Book, In Gotham's Shadow Globalization: Community Change In Central New York
Benchmark: Huntington Station, NY
Benchmark: Lancaster, PA (PDF)
Benchmark: Sheboygan, Wisconsin (PDF)
Benchmark: East Village, San Diego, California
Benchmark: Mt. Vernon, New York (PDF)
Benchmark: Buffalo, NY: Downtown Development Guide (PDF)
Benchmark: Orange County, FL (very detailed, county-wide, planning document)
Benchmark: Worcester, MA, Downtown Urban Revitalization Plan, April 2016 (PDF)
Project for Public Spaces (PPS)
July 2018 - Utica Marina RFP, City of Utica
Property and business owners in the Columbia Lafayette Neighborhood have created "BUD". We are working with other dedicated Utica-area residents for a Better Utica Downtown!