BUD is a new group in Downtown Utica. We seek to protect and rebuild the Columbia Lafayette Neighborhood, and you can help. Take part, connect with BUD on Facebook and Twitter You probably have questions, so here are some answers...
Question: What does "BUD" stand for? Answer: Better Utica Downtown!
Question: What's the "Wynn-BUD Initiative"? Answer: It's the final effort to save a few remaining CoLa buildings (and Carton Street) not yet acquired and demolished by MVHS. The initiative seeks to make The Wynn Hospital district better, and thus Downtown Utica better.
Question: Who is BUD? Answer: We are business and property owners in Downtown Utica, New York, as well as concerned citizens from throughout the Utica-area. We're also here, Utica's BUD Group On Facebook
Question: How did BUD get started? Answer: It began two years ago with a Facebook Group Then more recently with two video statements: Downtown Utica Has A Lot To Lose and A Better Downtown Utica
Question: What is your objective? Answer: We seek to protect Historic Buildings and our existing 40+ existing businesses in the Columbia-Lafayette Neighborhood
Question: Businesses and buildings, what else requires protection? Answer: Downtown needs to protect, preserved, and enhance the "street grid". BUD will work to improve streets, sidewalks and alleys- we'll be working to keep them intact and more attractive.
Question: It's not possible for me to attend Monday meetings, so where else may I find BUD? Answer: You can also connect with BUD on Facebook and Twitter
Question: The hospital has a budget of many hundreds of million, how can BUD do better? Answer: BUD wants the best healthcare for our region. If their funding is spent at St. Luke's, than much more goes into healthcare more directly which is ideal. Furthermore, BUD is supporting 40+ different businesses downtown today! This is much better than a large non-profit Mixed Use Is Better. BUD is committed to making major and minor improvements to the neighborhood. We're now working to attract part of New York State's 7th Round of CFA Funding for investment into the Columbia Lafayette Neighborhood. When added to; more AUD expansions, growth in Bagg's Square, the Brewery District, and on Genesee Street - well, downtown neighborhoods are doing great - and BUD is connecting it all!
###Have a question? We'd love to hear from you E-mail Us