Named after this Inventor & Boiler Maker and founder of the Carton Furnace Company.
Carton is one of Utica's oldest streets; the orginal cobblestones can be seen where exposed by broken asphalt...
Let's use preservation! Famous @CityofUtica people had streets named in their honor. In CoLa, a company founder, a patent holder, helped pave way in creating our @Boilermaker15K Learn more...
— BetterUticaDowntown (@BudsforBUD) June 3, 2019
On a 1907 Sanborn map, the longer leg of Carton is labeled "Carton Place", the shorter leg "Rome Place" [Ref.]. Others may reference this old road as Carton Lane, Carton Street, or Rome Road. Our research is underway, but this street holds great promise as a historical asset- especially in light of Utica's Boilermaker Road Race!
Use Preservation, a powerful economic development tool! Utica's Boilermaker heritage began here in the CoLa neighborhood, learn the heritage of Utica's Furnace & Boiler Making Companies.
Below is just one example of what Utica produced in the Columbia-Lafayette Nieghborhood, an operational schematic of a "Carton Hot-Air and Combination C Furnace" clearly shows: "Patented August 17, 1896" and "Utica, NY" on the cast iron surfaces...
Carton 1897 Hot-Air Combination Furnace
February 12, 2018 - Carton Avenue was named for the inventor of a new furnace design, John Carton...
Hand-in-hand w/ @joe_cerini as we protect his business and #ErieCanal era buildings! Columbia Lafayette Neighborhood owes Joe a debt of gratitude preserving historical assets:
— #NoHospitalDowntown (@NoHospitalDwtn) February 12, 2018
The Metal Worker: A Weekly Journal, Vol 45, D. Williams Co., 1896
Various maps throughout history have labeled sections of this Cobblestone roadway as; "Carton Place", "Carton Street", "Carton Avenue" and "Rome Road" or "Rome Road" so a much more complete research project lies ahead...
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