January 12, 2024 - Oneida County demolished 442 Lafayette Street in June of 2022, after seizing it using Eminent Domain- to build a Parking garage near the new Wynn Hospital. The county offered $59,000, but owner Brett Truett contends the property was considerably more valuable.
An appraisal dated September 2023 by Colliers determined 442 Lafayette Street was worth $175,000. However, Oneida County ignored this and simply countered with $99,000. How does one except $99,000 when a "limited access" property, with considerably less vaule at 14 Liberty Street, sold for $120,000?
As the COLA Neighborhood was erased and the hospital construction started, two remaining property owners created redevelopment plans. Truett's was called 442 Med-Health. The plan illustrates this property was worth a GREAT deal more as a "highest and best use" must look to a Income Capitalization Approach valuation.
View the 442 Med-Health plan; such a development compliments both the new hospital and the John Carton Medical Building (PDF) proposed for parcels at 418 Lafayette Street.
June 17, 2021 - Community investiment, revitalization of historic buildings...
New York State investment in artists is an investment in communities. The Thornwillow Makers Village will restore historic buildings as creative spaces—adding to the revitalization of Newburgh's East End.
— EmpireStateDev (@EmpireStateDev) June 17, 2021
➡️ https://t.co/mGc5ij9l20 pic.twitter.com/Jt8Qh6u7V2
We could not agree more! Add creative placemaking, the Wynn-BUD plan will do that and more, Wynn-BUD: Better Hospital, Better Neighborhood, A Better Utica Downtown!
June 10, 2018 - Excited to have Larry Sharpe and Andrew Hollister in Utica this past Sunday...
— Larry Sharpe (@LarrySharpe) June 10, 2018
The government should never have carte blanche to take over property as they see fit.#Sharpe4Gov #SharpeHollister2018 #Libertarian #ANewNY #SaveMainStreet #NoHospitalDowntown pic.twitter.com/8ZvMUzYDQX
Also, to hear them both on our local radio station here: #SharpeHollister2018 On TALK! 100.7 FM. Yes, we need a "New, New York", and a "Better Utica Downtown"... and NOT a hospital district!
A look back in history...
.@HAPhillips71 would have loved to had you, more chances over the summer! One guest today was Yvonne “Marilyn” Schneider, who was born in home in 1936!!! She’s the little girl at left, 442 Lafayette Street in background at left... pic.twitter.com/DNgFsYAER0
— #NoHospitalDowntown (@NoHospitalDwtn) June 10, 2018
Read more about the History Of 442 Lafayette Street, Utica, NY.
May 28, 2018 - Happy Memorial Day from 442 Lafayette Street...
Happy Memorial Day to our supporters & opposition! This Columbia Lafayette Neighborhood should be preserved... pic.twitter.com/IyDbmnYCKl
— #NoHospitalDowntown (@NoHospitalDwtn) May 28, 2018
You may learn much more about this property's neighborhood and history here, Spotlight on a Landmark: History of 424 Lafayette Street, written by
Please attend our Open House on
The neighborhood is actually alive, with a new Car Rental Agency as well! It is a debate, but redeveloping old buildings is happening and can continue to happen. Another example, the old Norm Seakan TV & Appliance becomes a public market.
Read our developing History of 442 Lafayette Street page.
February 2018 - Four story "Row House" (Read the, Philadelphia Encyclopedia On Row Houses), connects to Carton Avenue at rear, an original Erie Canal cobblestone street...
In @CityofUtica’s Columbia Lafayette Neighborhood, a mid-1800’s row house, solid as day constructed! Rear yard opens to Erie Canal era cobblestone Carton Avenue pic.twitter.com/LYsLQrUNFq
— Brett Truett (@BrettTruett) February 13, 2018
This home houses a one-man upholster shop, who repairs and makes new seats for the Adirondack Railroad, which sits on a Narrow Lot Measuring 26' Wide x 132' Deep, or 3,450 s.f. (0.08 acre).
The property is undergoing an ownership change, whereby a new owner is positioning to challenge the hospital concept in court, along with other property owners.
Another project, suitable to revitalizing the Columbia Lafayette Neighborhood, would be this In-fill Condo project, as well as the Jone Building.
BetterUticaDowntown (BUD) Says: "You will see how the Columbia-Lafayette Neighborhood will be further developed to Become a more desirable place to do business, visit, and live. You'll learn how we will work with other Utica Neighborhoods to develop increased "connectedness"